
Case study – Livelihoods impact of philanthropy

Sculpt Partners helped SKDRDP conduct an evidence-based impact assessment of its philanthropic activities based on the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF)


  • Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project ® – a leading philanthropic foundation in India with a history of more than 40 years in rural development
  • Has equipped nearly six million people break the cycle of poverty through a portfolio of programs covering agriculture, community development, women empowerment, financial inclusion, among many others
  • Impact communication largely based on anecdotes; no comprehensive effort yet to measure and communicate the compounding impact of its entire program portfolio

Our approach

  • Leveraged the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) to report impact on five capitals – Human, Physical, Financial, Natural and Social/Spiritual
  • Identified relevant metrics under each dimension and collected relevant data through a combination of company reports, management interviews and field data collection
  • Compiled the annual sustainability report by combining the Sustainable Livelihoods scorecard, UN Sustainable Goals and other anecdotal narratives


Impact reporting based on the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework