
Strategy and Organisation Change

In order for it to make durable impact, the enterprise sustainability agenda needs to be overseen by the Board, led by management, and executed by the broader organisation.

Our strategy and organisation change solution suite equips organisations with tools, insights and advice to integrate the sustainability agenda into their strategy, operations and mindset.

Sculpt’s pool of functional and sustainability domain experts can hardwire the sustainability “lens” into your key systems and policies so as to make the agenda real and practical in management’s day-to-day decision making.

We also help business leaders solve key sustainability-related problem statements that will define the organisation’s future over the next decades. These include recrafting your strategy and operating model to attain carbon neutral value chains, establishing impact goals for your corporate sustainability programs in line with the United Nations SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) framework, leveraging scenario planning principles to develop crisis resilience and response strategies to sustainability related risks, and much more.

Further, we help organisations build a sustainability “DNA” across their workforce through tailored communication and training programs. Such programs not only enable employee alignment with the organisation’s sustainability mission but also foster personal lifestyle changes that have positive cascading impact on the society.


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